Galerie regard by Côté Jardin


Cavaloc is constantly on the run, as pressed for time, the flow of images that saturate his world.
As if desires has always been one thing that haunts all inevitably artist:
to admire the skill of his hand, and thereby give to see all this wealth that his imagination was dormant.
So he insists and keeps returning to his figures trans-real chaos. Without heaviness.
Without redundancy. It gives them each time a form certainly longer supported, but lightened by a fine irony.
On the sheet or on the body of the fabric, the same purified operates:
simplified contours, shapes, light, like floating, subtle nuances, finesse.
Also figures Cavaloc Are both whimsical and fanciful, connected and disconnected, bound and unbound, mixed and unraveled in the vortex of chaos, in the wanderings of our world became chaos. Lucid Cavaloc disdains moral living.
He cares passionately even. He prefers to draw and sketch, paint and repaint as pressed for time as ordered by the flow of life and perhaps even other things unspoken or, to be precise, by "things" that n 'dare confess or reveal that white paper.
Then consider for a moment this drawing, presentation there before your eyes, I would even say to your fingertips, because drawings Cavaloc
oscillate constantly between optical and haptic (Greek haptos: touching a tactile manner).

Mostafa Chebbak
Writer, Philosopher
Casablanca, Spring 2011


"I focused on the portrait.
Hundreds of sketches from the real world now allow me to develop a universe of human expression
and caricatured through a free figuration. My characters increasingly sprawling allowed me to connect with Internet.
Wired interconnections, tangles of cables, the human mind which expresses itself through virtual windows.
Connection and interconnection swarm of random information and accurate. A real confusion.
The human figure today takes its full dimension.
I this confusion and accurately. A caricature of virtual reality.
Figuration to abstraction which mutates.
Finally, I discovered the meaning of my intuitive search.
How do we express real world and virtual space in which we are immersed every day
this illusion of life that expresses itself through programming binary code
(The language of our machines "computers") and our optical illusions: our virtual images (our screens). "

Casablanca, Spring 2011


Galerie regard by Côté Jardin
17 avenue Georges Clémenceau
83120 Sainte-Maxime
☎ +33 (0)4 94 56 57 63

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